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Monday, 18 February 2008

The police gave the names of the accused as Srinath (32), Somashekhar (23), Santosh (23), Raghavendra (23), Devaraja Gowda, Ajay (21), Girish (26), Ma

The Kalasipalya police have arrested nine persons in connection with a double murder of a driver and cleaner of a truck carrying coffee beans in Bellur Police Station limits in Mandya district on December 30, 2007.
The police gave the names of the accused as Srinath (32), Somashekhar (23), Santosh (23), Raghavendra (23), Devaraja Gowda, Ajay (21), Girish (26), Mahesh (30) and Aravind (24).The truck was on its way to Bangalore from Hassan. The accused had allegedly followed the truck and intercepted it near Bellur CrossLater, the accused reportedly strangled the driver and the cleaner of the truck and burnt their bodies near Mudigere tank. One of the accused, Mahesh, drove the truck and unloaded coffee beans at Kowdahalli. The accused then allegedly pushed the truck to a valley in Charmadi Ghat. The accused, who were armed with lethal weapons, were detained by the Kalasipalya police on charge of attempt to commit dacoity. During interrogation, they spilled the beans about the double murder.


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