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Monday, 18 February 2008

Pete Joseph Valdez III, 28, appeared at the South County Courthouse on felony charges of attempted murder of a police officer

Pete Joseph Valdez III, 28, appeared at the South County Courthouse on felony charges of attempted murder of a police officer, assault of a police officer with a firearm, being a felon in possession of a gun, and delaying or resisting a police officer. If convicted of these charges Valdez, who was denied bail two months ago, would spend the rest of his life in prison. A man accused of trying to shoot a police officer in the face appeared in court today, only to have his attorney request a continuance to address evidence presented by the district attorney.
Valadez's next court appearance is scheduled for Feb. 22 and Deputy District Attorney Mark Hood said it could result in a preliminary hearing, another continuance or a discussion before the judge.
"It wouldn't be surprising in a case like this," Hood said of the possibility of Valdez's attorney requesting another continuance.
About 3 a.m. Nov. 15, Gilroy police officer John Ballard noticed Valdez biking east on West Eighth Street without a headlight and on the wrong side of the road, police said. When Ballard tried to stop him, Valdez took off.
Ballard caught up with Valdez a few blocks later and a foot chase ensued, police said. During the pursuit, Valdez punched and kicked the officer, then pulled a .25-caliber semiautomatic handgun loaded with seven hollow-point bullets. Valdez aimed the gun at Ballard's face and repeatedly pulled the trigger, but the gun jammed and did not fire.
Ballard resumed fighting with Valdez while another officer arrived and helped subdue and arrest Valdez. In an interview after the incident, Valdez said he pulled the gun in hopes that an officer would shoot and kill him.
"I don't want to live," said a crying Valdez. Valdez has 10 prior convictions including three felony convictions for a strong-arm robbery. Valdez is the son of former 16-year Gilroy councilman Pete Valdez Jr., who has been present at his son's three previous court appearances and sat by as his son appeared today.


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