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Thursday, 20 March 2008

29-year-old Nigerian and a 35-year-old Pakistani were arrested

29-year-old Nigerian and a 35-year-old Pakistani were arrested yesterday by Sharjah Police for smuggling a total of 1.5kg of heroin into the country.They had concealed the contraband in their stomachs.Both of them are in the country on visit visas.
On a tip-off, the police arrested the Pakistani man in whose stomach 585 capsules of heroin were found during medical screening.He informed the police about the Nigerian man who arrived in the country recently with heroin capsules concealed in his stomach.The police arrested the Nigerian and the medical screening revealed 79 capsules of heroin in his stomach. With the help of the doctors, the capsules were removed from his stomach.Both suspects have confessed to their crimes and have been referred to Public Prosecution. Speaking to Khaleej Times, a top official of the Criminal Investigation Research at Sharjah Police said smuggling of narcotic substances by concealing them in the stomach and rectum had become a common phenomenon.The traffickers were using some individuals to smuggle the drugs into the country after paying them some money. In many cases, the carriers who used this method died after the capsules broke inside the stomach or rectum and the substances got into the blood stream, the official said. Of late, the police had acquired advanced technology to track down drug smuggling and trafficking


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