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Thursday, 20 March 2008

Maxine Eland,had 68 offences on her record, including cocaine possession, prostitution and breaching an Asbo.

Maxine Eland, 41, evaded justice for months after absconding to Luton while facing allegations of involvement in drugs supply, a court heard.
She was seen passing on £40 rocks of crack cocaine during a police operation targeting drug dealers in Middlesbrough twice in October 2006.Eland, of Lytton Street, Middlesbrough, admitted two charges of being concerned in the Class A drug’s supply and failing to surrender to bail.
She had 68 offences on her record, including cocaine possession, prostitution and breaching an Asbo.Junior Bryan, 50, who lived with Eland on Norcliffe Street, North Ormesby at the time of the 2006 drugs supplies, was jailed for three years last May after admitting 17 crack cocaine supply charges.
Paul Cleasby, defending, said Bryan supplied addicts to feed his own habit, Eland was also a user, it was not her enterprise and she did not profit.
There had been no more loitering offences or trouble in Luton since the drug deals.
Judge Michael Taylor jailed Eland for 18 months.


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