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Monday, 24 March 2008

Allegedly smuggling unauthorized drugs into VietnamHuynh Kim Hoang,Du My Hanh,Tran Van Hiep ,Nguyen Thi Hong Thoa

Five former executives from the Ho Chi Minh City Import-Export Corp. (Yteco) will appear before the HCMC People’s Court today for allegedly smuggling unauthorized drugs into Vietnam. Former Yteco director Huynh Kim Hoang, his ex-deputy Du My Hanh, the company’s former administrative department manager Lam Ngoc Kiet, and his deputy Tran Van Hiep and Nguyen Thi Hong Thoa, who headed the pharmaceutical group, are accused of forging documents to allow the company to import more than their official quota of various medicines.According to court documents, the accused changed Ministry of Health documents to import VND380 million (US$24,000) worth of drugs and vaccines.
Hoang and Hanh are also alleged to have ordered subordinates to illegally import seven types of vaccines worth more than VND8 billion ($500,000) in 2004.


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