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Monday, 24 March 2008

Jose Moreno,Joseph Muniz, Continental Airlines arrested

Charged today were Jose Moreno, 43, of Kenilworth, a Continental ramp employee, and Joseph Muniz, 55, of Perth Amboy, a Continental mechanic.
Muniz, who had unfettered access to Continental aircraft, allegedly was directed by Moreno to retrieve heroin hidden aboard certain flights from Colombia and El Salvador, according to special agents with the Department of Homeland Security.
In a complaint filed by the U.S. Attorney's office, one shipment of drugs was hidden within a life preserver compartment aboard a flight from Cali, Colombia, that had been allowed to continue onto a domestic flight from Newark to Houston, before anyone tried to retrieve the illicit cargo in hopes of eluding surveillance by U.S. Customs.Both men were expected to be released on $250,000 bail. Assistant U.S. Attorney Dennis Carletta said there are believed to be others involved and the investigation is continuing.


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