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Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Arsene K. and Kosom H two Bangladeshi men sentenced to death for smuggling heroin

The Crimi-nal Court Tuesday sentenced two Bangla-deshi men, identified as Arsene K. and Kosom H., to capital punishment for smuggling heroin into the country for trafficking.
Case files indicate the arresting officer received information that Kosom was trafficking in heroin. Acting on this information and armed with a search and arrest warrant, he sent a bogus customer to buy some heroin from him.
During the buy-bust operation, the officer arrested Kosom red-handed. During interrogations, he admitted that he possesses drugs and guided police to his house where the drugs were hidden.
When asked about the source of the heroin, Kosom said his friend Arsene had brought it for him from a Gulf state by land. He guided police to Arsene’s place who arrested him.
During interrogations, Arsene admitted to bringing heroin from a Gulf state in return for 20,000 Saudi riyals. He added he brought the drug twice for his friend.
The session was presided by Judge Adel Al-Saqer.


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