Women contract killers
The new and deadly trend in the badlands of western Uttar Pradesh is that the infamous gangs of ‘supari’ or contract killers are now using the ‘F’ factor apart from guns, knives and other weapons. These gangs are using feminine charm to liquidate their victims. "This is a new trend of women luring victims,” says SSP Meerut, Jai Narayan.Over 250 gangs are actively using the services of women to trap and kill their targets and more than 40 such contract killings have taken place in western UP in which women were used to trap potential victims. These women are also actively taking part in many highway robberies.
The love snare became a subject of investigation by the UP Police after a woman hitched a ride from a politician on a highway and then robbed him. In their attempt to track down this woman, police learnt that criminals were employing women to trap, rob and kill rich men.
Part of the robbery gang, Zahida, has told the police that she has trapped and killed at least 4 people by using her charm. She also said that the use of women makes the task of carrying out the contract killing a lot easier. The police have now woken up to this alarming trend of using women to kill and have launched a statewide inquiry to investigate these cases in detail.
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