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Tuesday, 18 March 2008

Bernard King,Javon Kirk Louis Savage, Nicole Tamika Freeman charged with eight drug and conspiracy crimes

Anne Arundel County police seized $450,000 in cocaine in two packages sent to an Annapolis hotel, breaking up a drug-smuggling scheme run by three employees who made reservations in the made-up receipients' names, authorities said yesterday.
Two Upper Marlboro men have been charged, but police are looking for a 28-year-old woman from District Heights.Police first tracked suspicious packages being sent to the SpringHill Suites Annapolis, 189 Admiral Cochrane Drive. Detectives there noticed that the names listed on shipping labels were false, according to a police statement. Early last month, police said, they seized a package containing 5 kilograms of cocaine.
On Feb. 15, police said, they seized a second package containing 4.5 kilograms of cocaine. Detectives resealed the package and allowed it to be delivered to the hotel. Police arrested the two employees they said took possession of it: Bernard King, 48, and Javon Kirk Louis Savage, 22. Nicole Tamika Freeman remains at large.
All three are charged with eight drug and conspiracy crimes. Police said Savage is on house arrest until trial, and King is being held at the Anne Arundel County Detention Center on $750,000 bail.


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