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Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Victoria Baptist,Alex Portocarrero,Jamie Fletcher admitted charges of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs.

Victoria Baptist from Stroud soaked tent equipment in liquid forms of cocaine before boarding her flights back to the UK from South America. Bristol Crown Court heard the 36-year- old was part of a £3.5m drugs ring. Two accomplices, Alex Portocarrero, 36, from Ladywell, London, and Jamie Fletcher, 35, from Stroud, were jailed for eight years. Baptist took her 13-year-old daughter on drug deals to the Caribbean, South America and Holland between June 2004 and August 2005, the court heard.
Judge Richard Smith said: "How much was brought into Britain is not known - however it is quite clear that amounts were on a large rather than small scale in terms of importation." Baptist and Fletcher were involved in as many as seven shipments of cocaine which would be extracted at the drug laboratories for sale in Britain. Baptist, of Paganhill Estate, Stroud, who had denied any involvement in the plot, had been convicted at Gloucester Crown Court on 1 February. Portocarrero, of Slagrove Place, and Fletcher, of Russell Street, Stroud, had both admitted charges of conspiracy to supply Class A drugs.


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