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Wednesday, 2 April 2008

James E. Drugis, Wood Dale, Roselle;Rigoberto Gomez, Alberto Flores

Police arrested 24 people on charges based on suspicion they either supplied, sold or bought the cocaine throughout DuPage County. Authorities also confiscated a cache of cocaine and seven guns.The task force interviewed more than 100 witnesses, developed informants, executed search warrants, conducted extensive surveillance, and obtained wiretaps to secretly listen to hundreds of recorded conversations, including many drug buys.The first sweep of arrests came March 14. On Thursday, a DuPage County grand jury indicted most of the defendants, from the alleged suppliers to low-level buyers. Authorities kept working the investigation through the weekend, when the final arrests were made.The main targets remained Tuesday in the DuPage County
James E. Drugis, 33, 289 N. Catalpa Ave., Wood Dale; Santino Colella, 57, 25 Whippoor Will Court, Roselle; Alberto Flores, 31, 337 N. Poplar, Bensenville; Rigoberto Gomez, 32, 1812 Elmwood, Berwyn; and Gabriel Salgado-Laguna, 33, 1824 Mozart, Chicago.
The co-defendants, except for Drugis, need $1 million cash for their release. Drugis must post $750,000 cash. It was his neighbor whose complaint sparked the probe. The men are charged with felony criminal drug conspiracy and unlawful possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver.defendants caught facing similar drug charges include: Colella's wife, Elvira, 54, of Roselle; Drugis' roommate, George S. Zakrzewski, 29, of Wood Dale; a neighbor, Victor Rios, 44, 401 Catalpa Ave., Wood Dale; Carol L. Bottoms, 55, 22W310 Peterson Ave., Glen Ellyn; Manuel Contreras, 23, 322 Virginia Ave., Bensenville; Robert C. Hannum, 42, 213 Vermont St., Villa Park; and Frankie Folisi, 28, 2139 Pepperwood Lane, Glendale Heights.
At least five people alleged to be low-level buyers also were indicted. The other defendants will be named during today's news conference.
Besides Wood Dale officers, the task force includes members of the DuPage Metropolitan Enforcement Group, U.S. Drug Administration, Roselle Police Department and the DuPage County state's attorney's office.


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