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Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Keflavík International Airport threesome arrested for carrying a total of one kilo amphetamine

A couple in their late twenties or early thirties, traveling from Amsterdam, were caught at customs control at Keflavík International Airport on Friday carrying a total of one kilo of certain substances, allegedly amphetamine, in their underwear.
The couple were traveling with a man in his fifties who was arrested for theft on Snaefellsnes peninsula, west Iceland, in 2003. Following his arrest the man was evicted and barred from returning to Iceland. They are all Polish citizens, as Morgunbladid reports.
According to Sudurnes Chief of Police Jóhann R. Benediktsson one of the customs officers had recognized the man who had been evicted in 2003.
The threesome was sentenced to custody until April 11 while the case is being investigated.


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