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Thursday, 3 April 2008

Jamie Ellis aka Jamie Grainger total of 19 other burglaries he admitted were taken into consideration by the court for his sentence

Jamie Ellis, 23, is believed to have been responsible for a wave of burglaries that has struck St Mellons, Cardiff.The drug addict, who is more commonly known as Jamie Grainger, was caught red-handed during a burglary in Meadvale Road, St Mellons, Cardiff, on February 28, when a neighbour rang police.
At Cardiff Crown Court he pleaded guilty to that burglary and one other in Kazemain Bungalows, Newport Road, Cardiff, the previous day.A total of 19 other burglaries he admitted were taken into consideration by the court for his sentence.
Detectives believe Ellis would have made some £29,000 from his criminal activities during a crime spree in St Mellons and Old St Mellons that started in December last year.The first offence he admitted was only eight days after he was released from prison on licence in December last year.Detective Constable Steve Colston of the Cardiff East burglary squad said officers believed Ellis had been responsible for pushing up the area’s burglary statistics.Det Con Colston said: “This is an individual we were looking for and we are thankful to the neighbour who contacted us.
“Hopefully, there will now be a significant reduction in the number of burglaries in this part of Cardiff.”Ellis, of Trowbridge Green, Trowbridge, Cardiff, was a given four-and-a-half year sentence after he pleaded guilty to two counts of burglary.
A suspended sentence was activated which means Ellis will serve another six months in jail bringing the total to five years.His lawyer told the court he was committing the burglaries to feed a heroin addiction.


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