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Thursday, 3 April 2008

Vincent Branson,Heather Tennant,Cory Williams detectives discovered more than 200 grams of cocaine and two pounds of marijuana in a dresser drawer.

Vincent Branson, 28, of 158 Hirn St., and Heather Tennant, 28, of 5996 Egypt Pike. While searching the home, detectives discovered more than 200 grams of cocaine and two pounds of marijuana in a dresser drawer. On a coffee table in front of where Branson was seated was a .45 caliber handgun with several rounds of ammunition. Detectives also found 7 grams of cocaine in Tennant's purse.Later, another resident of the home, Cory Williams, 27, arrived at the scene, saw authorities conducting the search and attempted to leave, backing his vehicle into a pole. He was arrested, and detectives found about a half-pound of marijuana in his bedroom.
Authorities also found drug scales and $5,527 in cash in the home, and agents also seized two vehicles, three flatscreen televisions, jewelry and a laptop computer.
Branson, Barfield and Tennant were charged with drug abuse-possession of cocaine. Williams was charged with permitting drug abuse."We are trying to keep the dealers off the street," Nichols said.Nichols also believes the drugs they discovered at the residence were for more than personal use.
"It's obvious the drugs were going to be for distribution purposes," he said.
Late Wednesday afternoon the Ross County Sheriff's Office issued a warrant at a local bank for a safe deposit box owned by Branson.In the box was $136,000 in cash along with $10,000 in jewelry."We acted on information we received last night which led us to the safe deposit box," he said.


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