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Friday, 25 July 2008

Anthony Grady charged with second- degree drug possession

Anthony Grady, 27, was under investigation by the Somerset County Prosecutor's Office for drug activity when he was approached Wednesday by officers at Game Stop on Route 206, police said. When the officers identified themselves, Grady fled through the aisles, knocking over a wall display and ducking behind a counter to reach the front door, authorities said. Officers were able to detain Grady, who resisted arrest by flailing his arms and legs, striking and injuring the officers, police said. Once Grady was restrained, police found three bags of co caine in his back pocket, authorities said. A search of Grady's home on Route 206 yielded 28 bags of co caine and $400 in cash, according to authorities.
He was charged with second- degree drug possession with in tent to distribute and third-de gree aggravated assault, authorities said. Because his residence is next to Hillsborough Elemen tary School, Grady also was charged with selling drugs within 1,000 feet of a school, a third-de gree offense, police said.
The cocaine seized from Grady and his home is estimated to have a street value of more than $3,000, according to police. Grady was taken to Somerset County Jail, where he was held in lieu of $100,000 cash bail.


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