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Friday, 25 July 2008

Cuong D. Nguyen,Dung Minh Tran, Christopher Leventis charged by criminal complaint with conspiracy to distribute more than 100 kilograms of mar

Six local men were arrested yesterday morning on drug conspiracy charges following a raid at a McCandless home.The arrests are part of an ongoing investigation that led to the arrests of two men in Florida and six more people in Canada.According to the U.S. attorney's office, the local men who were arrested following an FBI raid on Balmoral Drive have been charged by criminal complaint with conspiracy to distribute more than 100 kilograms of marijuana.
Those named in the complaint are: Cuong D. Nguyen, 32, of Elliott; Dung Minh Tran, 33, of McCandless; Christopher George Leventis, 34, of Greenfield; Giacinto Rocco Derenzo, 29, of Cranberry; Magdi Milad Louis, 35, of Ross; and Hau Duy Bach, 19, of McCandless.
The criminal complaint is still under seal, and no details related to the case were available. Because they are charged by criminal complaint, a federal grand jury must hand up an indictment within 30 days or the charges will be dismissed.


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