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Sunday, 27 July 2008

James Munro was the only Canadian Border Services Agency employee arrested

James Munro, a 26-year-old border guard who worked at Quebec's Lacolle border crossing.Munro was the only Canadian Border Services Agency employee arrested in an investigation that centred on an attempt by people based in Montreal and New Brunswick to smuggle 500 kilograms of Colombian cocaine into Canada.Munro appeared in court Friday in St. Jean sur Richelieu, Que., for a bail hearing. He will learn on Tuesday if he is to be released while he faces eight criminal charges.Two Quebecers who allegedly took part in the conspiracy were arrested in Florida on Tuesday and charged with bringing 25,000 MDMA, or ecstasy, pills into the U.S. as part of a deal made with an undercover FBI agent.The two men -- alleged ringleader Sylvain Levert, 41, of Chambly, and Serge (Frenchy) Desilets, 54, of Maniwaki -- were charged in U.S. District Court in Florida. Affidavits filed in their cases suggest the pair counted on the co-operation of more than one customs agent to smuggle drugs in and out of Canada.The two are suspected of conspiring to smuggle drugs -- including marijuana and ecstasy -- into the United States in exchange for cocaine smuggled into Canada.In one of several references in the affidavit to Desilets or Levert claiming to control border agents, Desilets allegedly told the agent last summer "he could get people into and out of Canada without their having to pass through customs."The "border official" in question is not named in the court document.During Thursday's news conference, RCMP Staff Sgt. Andre Potvin would only say it is possible other border agents would be investigated. On Friday, RCMP Cpl. Elaine Lavergne repeated Potvin's comment, but noted no charges have been filed against other CBSA personnel.


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