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Friday, 25 July 2008

Rodrigo Fiuza has been jailed to 15 years for attempting to smuggle 10 kilos of cocaine into the UK.

Rodrigo Fiuza has been jailed to 15 years for attempting to smuggle 10 kilos of cocaine into the UK.Police said that Rodrigo Fiuza, a Brazilian national of Mile End Road, was arrested on 25 February 2008 following an intelligence-led operation.He was charged in relation to a Class A controlled drug and being knowingly concerned in the fraudulent evasion of a prohibition on the importation of goods.Fiuza was found guilty at Snaresbrook Crown Court on 15 July.He has also been recommended for deportation on completion of his sentence.The estimated street value of the Class A drug found within small statues in a steel drum in a shipment of airfrieght from Brazil in February, was £1,199,560.A search of Fiuza's garage and house revealed a further steel drum containing electronic scales, a large number of mobile phones and a pseudo reference required by HM Revenue and Customs for non-VAT registered traders to import goods from abroad.Further investigations revealed that there had been at least four previous importations by the same organization between February 2005 and October 2007.Detective Inspector Gary Townsend said: "This operation is a great example of how law enforcement agencies in the UK are working together to tackle the trafficking of Class A drugs impacting London's communities.
"This should act as a deterrent to anyone who believes they can get away with importing drugs in this way."


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