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Saturday, 2 August 2008

Admir Spahic and his brother, Becir Spahic arrested charged with numerous counts of selling a narcotic drug

arrested 27-year-old Admir Spahic, of 1 Dolores Ave. in Derry, and his brother, Becir Spahic, 24, of Manchester, on Thursday night.Police said the brothers were arrested after they had purchased several grams of heroin and climbed into Admir's BMW. That's when police said they discovered Admir's 2-year-old son had been sleeping in the back seat the entire time. Admir scrambled to get rid of heroin that was in his car when the arrest warrants were produced, and police said the drug ended up scattered throughout the vehicle.State police continued their investigation by searching the brothers' homes that night. They found an additional 400 pills of Valium, which were packaged for distribution, an unknown amount of heroin and cocaine, a digital scale and packaging materials. Police said they also found a shotgun and bullets resting on Admir's kitchen counter, in the home he shares with his girlfriend and son.This is the second time in two months that Admir was charged with selling drugs.In June, Admir was charged with selling cocaine at the Irving gas station on Bypass 28 in Derry. Police documents reveal Admir was carrying $695 in cash, several watches and cocaine when he was arrested. Thursday night's arrests were part of an investigation that involved the New Hampshire State Police narcotics and investigation unit, Manchester police and Derry police.Both Spahic brothers were charged with numerous counts of selling a narcotic drug and conspiracy to distribute a narcotic drug. Admir is being held in jail on $200,000 bail, and Becir is being held on $150,000 bail. Police said additional criminal charges will likely be filed against the brothers.


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