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Saturday, 2 August 2008

Isaias Moreno Jr is charged with trafficking cocaine and possession of heroin with intent to distribute.

Isaias Moreno Jr., 21, of 74 Hope St. is charged with trafficking cocaine and possession of heroin with intent to distribute. He was held without bail after being arraigned Thursday in New Bedford District Court.Organized Crime Intelligence Bureau detectives applied for a search warrant after a two-month investigation, police officials said. The lead investigator was Detective Derek Belong.Narcotics detectives executed the search warrant Wednesday night in Mr. Moreno's first-floor apartment. Police found 130 grams of crack cocaine hidden in a secret compartment behind a cabinet. Detectives also seized $11,007 in cash and five bags of heroin.
Detectives did not find any weapons or other drug paraphernalia, but did find several expensive electronic items such as car stereos, large-screen TVs and a Playstation 3. Police also found four new tire rims.Narcotics detectives are seeking forfeiture of the items, alleging Mr. Moreno acquired them through drug proceeds. Court records indicated he was unemployed and collecting disability.Mr. Moreno is facing a 10-year mandatory minimum prison sentence if convicted of trafficking in excess of 100 grams of cocaine.


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