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Saturday, 2 August 2008

Larry Brunson charged with possession of marijuana with intent to deliver and fleeing

Officer David Ellington was on patrol Wednesday when he attempted to stop a vehicle at Fifth Avenue and Linden Street, and the vehicle continued at Third Avenue and Cherry Street when a passenger, later identified as Brunson jumped out and ran, carrying a green bag.
Officers found Brunson “walking down the railroad tracks at 4th Avenue and Ash Street, and Officer Ellington identified him as the person who ran from the vehicle,” Tadlock said.
Larry Brunson, 22, after ruling prosecutors had probable cause to charge Brunson with possession of marijuana with intent to deliver and fleeing, based on an affidavit from vice and narcotics detective Jack Hendon.Reading from that affidavit, Deputy Prosecutor Cymber Tadlock
Hendon reported Brunson was carrying more than $1,000 in cash when he was arrested, and officers located the green bag which contained several clear plastic bags with a total of 7.6 ounces of marijuana, plastic sandwich bags, and a bag containing five .38-caliber bullets and one .22-caliber bullet.Tadlock said Brunson was placed on probation in May 2007 for two years after pleading guilty to possession of a controlled substance and has pending charges of possession of a controlled substance with intent to deliver, possession of drug paraphernalia, felon in possession of a firearm, and simultaneous possession of drugs and firearms.She said Brunson had posted a $50,000 bond on those allegations and prosecutors will be filing a motion with the court to revoke that bond.


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