Arrests Worldwide

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Friday, 11 February 2011

Canada-wide warrants have been issued for the arrest of 34 year old Cory 'Frankie' Vallee on two counts of first-degree murder

Surrey RCMP are asking for help from police jurisdictions across the country in finding two men wanted in connection with a series of gang murders and attempted murders in BC's Lower Mainland, dating back to May 2008. Canada-wide warrants have been issued for the arrest of 34 year old Cory 'Frankie' Vallee on two counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted murder and one of conspiracy to commit murder. RCMP have also issued a warrant for the arrest of 33 year old Conor D'monte on a charge of first-degree murder and one of conspiracy to commit murder. D'Monte is believed to be the current leader of the notorious UN gang. Both men are considered to be armed and dangerous and should not be approached by anyone other than police. They are wanted in connection with the shooting deaths of a 24-year-old man in May 2008, the brazen daytime shooting death of a 27-year-old member of the Red Scorpion Gang in February 2009 and the attempted murder of two members of the Bacon crime group, also in 2009. Five people have already been arrested and charged in connection with the violence. The charges follow completion of the latest phase of several ongoing investigations."


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