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Friday, 11 February 2011

California Gang Leader Sentenced to Life in Prison for Distributing PCP | Street Gangs Resource Center

California Gang Leader Sentenced to Life in Prison for Distributing PCP | Street Gangs Resource Center: "The leader of a South Los Angeles street gang, who was convicted of organizing and leading a wide-ranging conspiracy to manufacture and distribute large quantities of the drug phencyclidine—better known as PCP—was sentenced today to life without parole in federal prison. Alphonso Eugene Foster, 41, a leader of the Grape Street Crips street gang, was sentenced this morning by United States District Judge S James Otero. Prior to his conviction in this case, Foster had sustained numerous felony convictions related to drug trafficking and robbery. Foster is the second defendant to receive a life sentence as the result of a long-term investigation into the drug-trafficking activities of the Grape Street Crips."


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