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Saturday, 5 February 2011

He never figured selling death in Canada would be so simple.

U.S. gunrunners bring firepower to Windsor drug trade: "He never figured selling death in Canada would be so simple.

'It all started with one question,' said the friendly Detroiter with the touch of bling on his fingers and 'Hustler' on his oversized T-shirt. 'A guy asked me, 'How much would you charge me for a 9-millimetre?'

'Before that I was selling dope, right?'

Just like that. Easy as pulling a trigger.

The opportune question would give 'Hustler' his big break in the dangerous but profitable world of gun-running across the Windsor-Detroit border.

Police say Windsor is the premier conduit for drugs and guns into Canada, many heading to gangs in Toronto.

Why so much firepower? When it comes to the business of drugs, guns often lurk nearby.

'There is a direct correlation between guns and drugs,' said Windsor police Supt. Vince Power, in charge of investigations. 'That's safe to say.'

The Drugs, Guns, Intelligence and Surveillance unit, formed in 2007 and operating on a $5.3-million annual budget with an undisclosed number of plainclothes officers, concentrates on guns and drugs because they represent such a serious threat to the community."


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