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Friday, 6 May 2011

Drug agency nabs passenger with cocaine-stuffed candles

Determined to smuggle drugs through the Murtala Mohammed International Airport, Lagos, a suspected drug syndicate concealed 3.2kg of high grade cocaine with an estimated street value of N30m inside candles.

Operatives of the National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), who made the discovery last Sunday during the inward screening of passengers of an Emirate flight which came in from Brazil, said that the drug was industrially packed inside six big candles, four of which were black while the other two were green.

While answering questions from narcotic officers, the suspect, Aina Fausat Olarewaju, said that the candles were meant for spiritual use. Not satisfied with the explanation, the candles were broken and found to contain cocaine.

Following the discovery, Ms Olarewaju was immediately arrested at the arrival wing of the Airport.

According to the anti-narcotic agency, the 45-year-old single mother of two is believed to be working for an international drug cartel with a stronghold in Brazil. She had also been taken on follow-up operations within the country to arrest others people linked with the crime. Two persons have been arrested in connection with the unlawful import but the agency has commenced investigation to determine their degree of involvement.

Concealed in candles

The candle-stick mode of drug concealment attracted the attention of other security operatives and passengers at the airport during the search.

According to the NDLEA airport commander, Hamza Umar, drug cartels are daring and can go to any length in hiding drugs away from the reach of drug law enforcement officers.

"There is no limit to the tricks of drug trafficking syndicates. The candle-light mode of concealment is simply amazing, but what is important is our ability to uncover the drugs notwithstanding their criminal devices," Mr Hamza stressed.

NDLEA Chairman, Ahmadu Giade, also charged officers to continue to expose the dirty tricks of drug barons through meticulous search operations.

"This seizure is an interesting one because each time we make such fantastic discoveries, we are encouraged to do more because of the commendations we usually receive from our counterparts in other countries," said Mr Giade. "Officers must therefore remain committed at all times because unless drug barons quit the illicit trade, we shall continue to detect their tricks."

Ms Olarewaju is an international business woman who sells jewellery, shoes and clothes. Since 2002, she has been going to India to buy her wares until she was recruited by the drug cartel.

She claimed this was her first drug trafficking trip.

"This is my first time of smuggling hard drugs. I was contacted to travel to Brazil to bring in the drug. I spent three months in Sao Paulo and they promised to pay me N500,000. I accepted because I am suffering from fibroid growth in my stomach. I was asked to say that it is meant for spiritual purpose," said Ms Olarewaju, who hails from Isolo, Lagos and has two children - a 23-year-old female and 20 year-old-male.

The anti-narcotic agency stated that investigation had commenced into her case and anyone found culpable would soon be charged to court.



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