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Friday, 15 July 2011

drug trafficer and a drug courier were arrested by the Central Narcotics Bureau (CNB) at the vicinity of Beach Road yesterday.

Approximately 190 grams of 'Ice', 70 grams of cannabis, 20 grams of ketamine, 327 Erimin-5 tablets, 345 Ecstasy tablets and 100 'Yaba' tablets, together with cash totaling approximately $26,260 and RM 160 (S$65) as well as a Malaysian-registered motorcycle were seized during the operation. The total street value of the drugs seized is approximately $76,200.

According to a statement by the CNB, the 32-year-old Singaporean was known to be distributing multiple types of drug in the Geylang and Beach Road area, using his serviced apartment as a drug store. After a two-month investigation, the CNB mounted an ambush.

At around noon yesterday, he was seen meeting up with a 29-year-old Malaysian at the basement of a building. , who After they parted ways, CNB officers immediately moved in to arrest both him and the Malaysian, who is believed to be a drug courier.

At the time of arrest, the suspected drug trafficker was in possession of two paper bags containing a total of 200 Ecstasy tablets and about 25 grams of 'Ice'. CNB officers then raided his apartment where they found the rest of the drugs, along with drug trafficking paraphernalia such as digital weighing scales, empty plastic packets, envelopes and aluminium foil.

Two female People's Republic of China (PRC) nationals were also arrested in the trafficker's rented serviced apartment unit.

The men will be investigated for the offence of drug trafficking under the Misuse of Drugs Act. If convicted, both will face a minimum of 5 years imprisonment and 5 strokes of the cane up to a maximum of 20 years imprisonment and 15 strokes of the cane.


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